Saturday, March 20, 2010

Communion Chalice

One of the most sacred and revered vessels in the Christian faith is the Communion chalice. You can find a whole variety of chalices that are suited for any kind of denomination or religion that might have a need for them.

Different Kinds of Communion Chalice

The style and design that each church requires would vary. For example, the cups contained a small node where the stem met the cup for most communion cups used in Western Christianity. This small node allowed for easy pick up by the user.

In Catholicism, before the Vatican II, the cups were created with a tulip shape and were generally quite slim since only the priests were the only ones that used them.

Today, most people that participate in the communion can also use the cup and drink the blood of Christ represented by the wine.

On the other hand, for Eastern Churches as well as Orthodox ones usually used cups that had icons as embellishments and even including the cross. Moreover, every person that partook of the communion was able to drink from the cup as well.

Over time, the design and shape of the chalice changed and has took on many different faces, even today, you can still see various kinds of this vessel.

These vessels are still an important part of the sacrament and people's belief. Held as a symbol that holds the cup of Christ, the chalice is certainly an essential element in Christianity.

It's sacredness is still revered as exhibited by the use of the communion chalice in the Catholic Church wherein every time it is used in service it is blessed and anointed first.

You can also get a special discount on Communion Plates here.

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